This is the second 6632B, that I bought from eBay in condition "For parts or not working". I repaired it about 2 years ago, but after receiving some questions about the 6632B via email, I thought this article could be helpful to others.
The inside of the unit was very dusty, but after cleaning there was no visible damage on any part. After reconnecting the transformer tabs from 110V to 230V mains, the unit seemed to work almost properly.
There was just one problem in the high Current range. It constantly showed an offset of about -25 mA in the high current range and the low current measurement was only working for currents smaller than 9 mA vs. 20 mA mentioned in the manual. It's obvious that this couldn't be just a calibration problem.With the shorted PMOS, U304 tries to set the -11.5V, which would lead to a sink current of \({11.5 V \over 200 \Omega }~= 58 mA\) through R499, but the protection circuit of the Opamp actually limits the current to the displayed -25mA.
The MC34073 datasheet Fig.2 even shows the implemented current limiting circuit. If the output current gets to high \(I_{out} \cdot R7 > 0.7 V\), the pnp Q18 starts to conduct, which reduces the the Base-Emitter Voltage of the the upper Power Transistor in this totem pole output stage.
\[ I_{max}={U_{SD,nmos} + U_{DS,pmos} \over R_{shunt}} = {0.7 V + 0V \over 72 \Omega} \approx 9 mA\]
After replacing the defective and obsolete MTP2955V with an IRF9Z24N, everything works fine now.
The rotary encoder was also broken, and replaced by a new ALPS EC16.
Datasheet MTP2955V:
Datasheet IRF9Z24N:
Datasheet MC34074: